Lynne Pleffner
It all begins with an idea.
2023 -
Lynne Pleffner was a Summer kid who always planned on moving to Chatham. She and her family moved full time to Chatham in 2000.
Once here, Lynne participated in the 10th "class" of the Community Leadership Institute which further her knowledge and love for the Cape.
She began working at the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival as Director of Marketing and Development and while there began her tenure on the Planning Board where she was Chair for two terms. During this time she was on the BOD for FOCAH (Friends of Chatham Affordable Housing) where they built four 2 bedroom condo's behind Pate's Restaurant. She went onto becoming the President of the Board for a few years.
She moved to Cape Cod Life Publications where she was Chatham's Representative to the Cape Cod Commission. She retired from the Cape Cod Times in January 2020. She put her energy to support topics that are of great importance to her: the non-partisan League of Women Voters, the Chatham Community Housing Partnership, and during the summer Food4Kids.
Christopher Hercun
It all begins with an idea.
2023 -
Christopher Hercun is 10-year resident of Chatham and a former member of the Chatham 365 Task Force. He is a homeowner in town, husband to a Social Worker and proud father of two boys. His family had experienced the tremendous difficulty of establishing permanent residency in town when relocating from Connecticut, which included several precarious months of living in a winter rental with very young children. This experience will forever guide his desire to make Chatham livable for the middle class families the town depends on for its continuity.
In his work life, Christopher is the Assistant Chief Probation Officer at the Barnstable Probate and Family Court. He was promoted to this position in 2018, following a five-year career as a Probation Officer in the same Court. Prior to his career as a Probation Officer, Christopher enjoyed a ten-year career working as a Social Worker for the Department of Children and Families in Connecticut. In his current position, Christopher supervises a team of Probation Officers with the primary focus of offering dispute resolution services and conducting investigations on issues of divorce, child custody, child support and guardianships. During his tenure with the Probation Department, Christopher has served as Team Leader for the Massachusetts Probation Strategic Planning Task Force, has been a Faculty Trainer at the Massachusetts Probation Training Academy, is a Co-Facilitator of the Barnstable County Fatherhood Program and most recently served as a member of the 2021 Child Support Guidelines Task Force. Christopher holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
James M. Upson
It all begins with an idea.
Treasurer: 2023-
75 yrs. old Native of Western MA
College: Clarkson Tech 1970 Chem Engineering.
Hercules Powder Wilmington DE 10 yrs.
Pioneer Precision Grinding 35 yrs. President & CEO
Chatham MA retired 10 yrs.
Civic Volunteer:
Western Mass. Chapter of the National Tooling & Machining Assoc. 25 years.
Hampden County Regional Employment Board. 6 years.
Massachusetts Vocational Education Advisory Board. 8 years.
Chatham Rep on CC Regional Vocational High School Committee. 14 years.
Chatham Conservation Comm. 4 years - Instrumental in passing Article 46 2014 ATM
“Reducing size of resource area subject to coastal storm flowage.
Chatham Zoning Board. 4 years
Terry W. Eldredge
It all begins with an idea.
Clerk: 2023 -
Seventy-three-year-old Chatham native.
I graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1972 with a Civil and Highway Engineering degree.
I am a professional land surveyor with over Fifty (50) years of experience in land surveying and engineering. I was licensed to practice land surveying in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on January 23,198I, and started my own boutique Surveying and Engineering firm on April 1 st, 1981.
I have extensive experience with local bylaws, state laws, regulations, codes, and statutes that affect land development.
I have been qualified as an expert witness in the Barnstable Superior Court, the Middlesex Superior Court, and the Massachusetts Land Court.
I have been a Volunteer Auctioneer over the past 32 years for charitable organizations in all of the New England States and locally for Wild Care, the Creative Art Center, and local Churches, to name a few.
I served two years as President of The Engineering Center in Boston (TEC).
I have served on various town committees, including the Stormwater Control Committee, the Wastewater Pollution Committee, and the Zoning Bylaw Committee, which completely rewrote Chatham Zoning Bylaw. I have also drafted several bylaws for the Town, including revisions to the Conservancy District bylaw, making it more restrictive.
I worked with local townspeople responsible for adopting the Historic Business District Bylaw. I prepared the first draft of the regulations based on the Nantucket Historical Regulations.
I retired in 2018.
J. Thaddeus Eldredge
It all begins with an idea.
President: 2023 -
I have lived in Chatham for most of my life. My first five years were on Nantucket and in my 20’s I spent a year in Newport, Rhode Island.
I earned a BA in Mathematics from Colby College in 1997 and a Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Land Surveying from Wentworth Institue of Technology in 2003. I became a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in October of 2005. I became a Certfied Floodplain Manager in 2015. All the while, I have been learning and teaching various surveying related topics including LiDAR, photogrammetry, webdesign and GIS.
I served on the North Beach Advisory Committee for a year. Opportunity for a more robust position has not revealed itself, so this Initiative is an opportunity.